
Why Blog?

why blog?

So this is a new blog. And I’m really excited to create content for it. But it’s 2023, and everyone says video is where it’s at. So why blog? Isn’t it a waste of time?

Sometimes when I spent an extraordinary amount of time and energy on just one mediocre post, I find myself wondering this same thing. But here’s the thing:

You Must Express Yourself

I have a lot to say, but sometimes I find it difficult to know how and when to express it.

If we have a unique view point on life, we need to express it. This is part of our purpose on earth.

On a philosophical level, our unique perspective is part of the interconnected fabric of all reality. Individually, we are part of the Universe separating into distinct bodies with their own consciousness, in order to know itself. If our perspective is of benefit to all humanity (and it is) we should share it.

But not everyone is interested in the things that interest me. It’s disheartening to talk about ideas you believe are profound, to people who just don’t get it. It can make you question the value of what you’re saying.

This is why they say not to “cast pearls before swine”–an idiom that originates from the Bible–meaning that not everyone can appreciate what you have to say, even if it’s as valuable as pearls, so don’t waste your energy.

This is the beauty of the internet. It allows the people who are actually interested in the same things as you, to find your content. Your real audience may not be your friends, family and neighbors. Your real audience might be scattered all over the world, but the internet allows them to find you.

Blogging Brings Clarity

There’s this quote by Dan Koe that really solidified my decision to start writing again. He’s a guy I found on YouTube who talks about creating a business around your interests. He says “If you don’t have ideas, read. If you have ideas but can’t articulate them, write. If you have ideas, and have the clarity to execute, build.”

I’ve read a TON over the last 15 years. I have a lot of ideas in my head. But it’s a lack of clarity that’s partially responsible for me not expressing my ideas, both online and in person.

So far, it does seem that writing brings clarity. Even if I’m writing essentially the same things over and over, I’m just learning new ways to articulate my ideas. It gives me practice.

And what I’m finding is that once my ideas are clear and organized on paper, they’re much more clear and organized in my head, and I’m better able to speak about it for future videos. I can even use a blog post as a script or outline for a video.

Writing Can Lead to Video Content

Writing isn’t for everyone. Some people find stream-of-consciousness talking to be easier to gain clarity. But for a lot of us, we have blocks around showing up on camera. It’s something I want to overcome, but it’s easier to tackle obstacles one at a time.

But if you used to be a writer or someone who journaled a lot, it’s likely a good medium for getting a jumble of ideas organized into clear and persuasive talking points.

Written Content Can Drive Traffic to Video Content

Another benefit of starting with a blog is that it can help drive traffic to your videos.

YouTube in particular, is essentially a search engine that works in a similar way to Google. Other social media platforms like Tiktok are also trying to move in the same direction.

Search engines prefer interconnectivity, and so if you’re able to direct traffic from videos to writing on a website – back and forth – this helps boost your ability to be discovered on both platforms.

Blogging Establishes Authority

Written content for blogs is the most effective way to bring organic traffic to a website. Once your blog is established, and you’re generate a natural flow of traffic, you can do anything with your website.

You can sell things if you want. And what good is a store that no one knows about? You need to pull in traffic.

But most importantly, a blog on a certain topic can help you establish authority in that field. And having your own website is still the most powerful way to legitimize your personal brand.

Once you have a legitimate personal brand with an established website on a certain topic, you can parlay that into a myriad of opportunities that may be inconceivable at the moment.

Drawbacks of Perfectionism

Perfectionism in my writing is the roadblock I’m dealing with at the moment.

It’s not new, and it’s always torn me up. For over 4 years I was writing for a print magazine in Taiwan, and every month I would go through such torture with writers block stemming from perfectionism. If I couldn’t see clearly from the beginning how to execute my ideas perfectly, I couldn’t get into flow.

And when I write about concepts, I find myself having to explain multiple complex ideas within a larger umbrella of the article. I have this idea that I need my post to be completely thorough, with all the necessary details to grasp a sometimes complex subject.

Now I’m realizing that it’s more important to be in the habit of publishing mediocre content regularly, than a perfectly detailed and thorough post every once in a while. Because it’s from the flow that the more “perfect” content will emerge.

You have to be okay with putting yourself out there in a mediocre way before you’re able to get really good at it.

Practice and Clarity

So as I continue to regularly write for this blog, I’m intending to practice the organized articulation of interconnected concepts, and the habit of publishing content regularly.

This is the cornerstone of the content I want to produce, and I’m sure that everything else will naturally flow from there.

About Me

I’m Lindsay B.

I’m a wellness enthusiast who loves curating information on spirituality, holistic wellbeing, travel and living aligned & authentically. Join me in a lifestyle transformation to support your wellbeing!

Lindsay B.

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