We all face obstacles in life, and often the biggest enemy lies within. Negative thoughts, bad habits, fears – these are some of the inner “demons” that hold us back from achieving success and personal fulfillment, and living purposefully.
“Outwitting the Devil” is one of the most insightful books I’ve ever read. It’s written by Napoleon Hill (author of the classic “Think and Grow Rich”), and although this book is much lesser-known, it’s arguably equally powerful. It was written during the Great Depression era (1938) and remained unreleased until 2011 due to the controversial nature of the book. Despite its age, the message is equally as valid today.
It’s basically a somewhat cheeky interview with the Devil–as the personification of an internal, negative force that keeps us stuck in fear-based thinking and passive drifting through life.
Mastering and defeating this enemy within (“the Devil”) is essential to self-actualization and realizing our true potential.
What is the Devil Metaphor?
Napoleon Hill personifies the inner negative energy that opposes faith and purpose as “the Devil.” The idea is that this negative energy is ever-present, like the negative electrons in an atom. But we must learn to overcome and control it, so it doesn’t control us.
This negative force introduces fear, which ultimately manifests as defeatist attitudes, underachievement, struggle, and living life on autopilot without conscious direction.
The devil metaphor in this book mirrors how many ancient traditions used a similar metaphor (Satan/sin in Christianity, Mara in Buddhism, etc) to explain how certain quality of action and thought can lead us down a negative path. This ancient wisdom still holds today, which I explain in my post here.
In this book however, Hill demonstrates the reasons these devil-influenced actions lead us astray and argues that without understanding this force you will end up sleepwalking through life (“drifting”). By examining this force, Hill provides insights into transcending limitations and mastering the mind.
What is Drifting?
Drifting refers to a passive existence without clear goals or self-determination. Hill argues that 98% of people passively drift through life.
When we fail to use our minds fully and develop self-discipline, “the Devil” influences our thoughts and actions. We get stuck in fear-based loops, following societal programming without examination. Drifting through life aimlessly, dragged around by circumstances or emotions, leads to dissatisfaction. Over time, negative thought patterns and actions become habits that solidify and can become permanent.
Drifting vs Going with the Flow
I want to make an important point on the difference between drifting and “going with the flow”. It is very possible to take a more feminine, flowy approach to conscious creation! In fact, it’s essential to learn to flow, as long as we have clear purpose and intention behind it.
The kind of drifting that is dangerous includes lack of self-discipline, and a mental laziness that allows fear–in its myriad forms–to infiltrate the mind and influence your thinking.
Drifting means deep down you don’t believe you create your reality. Going with the flow means you respond wisely to what shows up in your reality, having faith that you’re on your purposeful path.
You can choose to be a victim of circumstance, or the conscious, intentional creator of your reality.
Choosing Faith over Fear
Essentially, when you’re in fear, you’ll end up drifting.
And when we’re led by fear, taking actions to avoid what we don’t want rather than actions leading us to what we do what, we’re susceptible to failure.
There’s another great metaphor that goes along with this Devil/drifting vs Faith/Conscious Creation metaphor:
If a race car driver is on the track driving fast, he’s not going to be looking directly at the barrier (what we want to avoid). He’s focused on the road ahead (where we want to go). The barrier remains in the peripheral vision, but unless we keep our eye on the road, we become gravitated toward it and might crash into it.
We can’t let fear overcome us – we have to make the choice to commit to the path we want to drive down. That’s our only shot of getting there.
How to Overcome the Enemy Within
Mastering yourself is the key to defeating the metaphorical “devil” and aligning your life with purpose so that you can create the life you were meant to live successfully. When you master yourself, the devil has no power over you. Here are some strategies Hill recommends:
Master Fear: Consistently take courageous action outside your comfort zone. “The Devil” keeps you passive through fear. Be aware: fear of the devil itself, is also a fear. Any time you allow fears to take hold, the devil can gain control of your life. Especially with fears of death or poverty – never buy into fear.
Think independently: Don’t blindly accept limiting ideas or excuses. Reexamine your beliefs as they may be programmed or conditioned from external sources and infused with fear-based thinking. Be viligilant with your mind to catch low vibrational thoughts.
Develop self-discipline: This is critical creating your reality and overcoming the lower self. Gain mastery over negative habits of action (laziness, procrastination, etc) and negative habits of thought (anger, greed, pride, etc).
Positive Mindset: Cultivate a growth-oriented, resilient and positive mindset. Reframe and understand “failures” and negative events as learning experiences.
Control your environment: This helps you avoid negative influences and distractions. Surround yourself with positive people and influences. Idleness of the mind is filled with negative thoughts, so use your time and attention wisely.
Definiteness of Purpose: Have clearly defined goals connected to your true desires and unique purpose. Consistently take definitive action towards them.
Don’t just leave it at these take-aways – reading the book itself (audiobook can be found free on Youtube) gives so much color to WHY these tips are so important… Please read the book!
Becoming a Conscious, Intentional Creator
The wisdom in Hill’s book reveals how our worst enemy is often ourselves. But by mastering your mindset and habits, raising your standard of living, and dedicating yourself to growth and contribution – you can defeat any inner obstacles holding you back. Outwitting the metaphorical “devil” leads to self-actualization and a life well lived.