A Simple Formula to Raise your Vibration

a woman using the formula to raise your vibration

Alignment is the way to manifest a life of ease and joy. A fulfilling life that capitalizes on our strengths, and taps into the areas of life we feel most passionate about. Here’s a simple formula to raise your vibration that I learned from Bashar.

Who is Bashar?

If you’re not already familiar, Bashar is essentially channeled messages, which I find to be very uplifting. He has a lot of unconventional yet very ingenious and simplistic ways of explaining how to achieve a healthy, positive mindset.

Another topic he talks a lot about is extraterrestrials, which some people really resonate with. But for me, I’m mostly interested in his content on how to live a good life, and I find it incredibly useful (and comforting) to listen to clips on YouTube.

The premise of shifting your mindset is based on the idea that the Universe is multi-dimensional, and we’re vibrationally shifting from moment to moment. It’s a different paradigm from how society generally views reality. But it’s not new – many philosophers have alluded to this metaphysical idea–even the concept of Buddhist realms mirrors this notion.

I’ve shared some Bashar recordings with skeptics before, and even though they find the premise hard to believe, they can appreciate how positive and constructive his advice is.

My argument for adopting this way of thinking is this: Sometimes, a highly anxious mind (or various degrees of negativity) can become so concrete in thinking that way, that it needs an unconventional workaround. This is one that worked for me.

What do I mean by “Raising Your Vibration”?

This is a very general concept, and there are many ways to do it. Even eating a clean diet can help raise vibration.

It’s a metaphysical idea that we are energy beings, through law of attraction, like energies attract each other. You will attract people and situations that match the energy of the vibration of your being–good and bad.

How do you match the energy, or vibration of what you want? Alignment.

What is alignment?

Alignment is similar to having a high vibration. But more specifically it means that your overall being is matching that of your higher self–which is the highest, most positive expression of who you were meant to be in this life.

If you feel like life is not working smoothly, or that you have obstacles, then who you’re “being” in this moment (and especially who you’ve been in the past) is not aligned with your highest self.

And when I say “being” I mean the combination of your thoughts, feelings and actions. This is your “being-ness”.

Fear, in its myriad forms, can influence us to think, feel and act out of alignment.

When you’re out of alignment, you may be choosing actions and paths that are not meant for you. It’s not the quickest path to your highest self. Your authentic path. How you were meant to live this life.

I think this visualization makes it easy to understand: When you’re high vibration and in alignment, your higher self can “see” you, and then pull you in to the reality you’re meant to live via tractor beam.

When you’re in alignment, life flows smoothly. It’s a sense of feeling fulfilled and “on the right path”.

The 5 step Formula to Align and Raise your Vibration

I love Bashar’s 5-step process for raising our energy to a higher frequency, which makes synchronicities, opportunities, and manifestations possible. When you’re operating on this higher level, life becomes magical and fun again.

This ends up being a positive feedback loop in itself, pouring more positive energy into the system, creating more positive circumstances.

The steps to the formula to raise your vibration are:

(1) Act on your passion in any given moment.

Your passion could shift from moment to moment. Trust it. Desire and passion is your guidance system, your compass. It is the language of the higher mind speaking to you in vibration, saying, “go this way!” The more you follow passion, the more you find your true path.

(2) Do this to the best of your ability.

Take it as far as you can until you can’t take it any further. If you hit an obstacle (make sure it’s not a limiting belief) switch to the next thing that contains the most excitement for you.

(3) Take action on your passion with absolutely no insistence on what the outcome is supposed to be.

You are taking action because this is your path. That’s it. It is not necessarily leading you to where you THINK it’s supposed to go.

The idea is that your higher self has a bird’s eye view of your life and can see things you can’t. It’s like a GPS – you set it for a destination (your authentic path, your dreams) and you let it guide you right or left (it speaks to you through passion).

Your higher self can see road blocks ahead, and may divert you temporarily, and it might not make any sense. But trust that this is giving you the quickest the quickest path to where you should be.

(4) Stay in a positive state no matter what happens.

Make a positive meaning of the situation. Objective meaning does not exist. All meaning is subjective–it is a human construct. As long as you are able to give an event a positive meaning, the event will ultimately be a positive event in your life, and will work in your favor.

Even if it seems so objectively horrible–if nothing else, it is giving you contrast. It’s showing you strongly what you DO NOT prefer, which is very valuable in itself, and has propelled many people to incredible heights.

And like a rubber band or sling shot, the further back you are pulled into the darkness, when it’s released, the further and faster you are propelled into the light.

(5) Constantly investigate your belief systems.

Release and replace the fear-beased beliefs, and the beliefs that aren’t aligned with who you’re meant to be. This is where the work on “limiting beliefs” is very valuable.

The more you’re able to identify and challenge beliefs that come from fear, the more freedom you create.

Again, beliefs are just that – beliefs. Yes, there is a “shared reality” in that humans have generally come to agree on certain facts about the laws of nature, etc. But often, there are many “facts” we take for granted as being true, when really, we just haven’t taken the time to examine where they came from. Did I inherit this belief from my culture or from my family?

One way to investigate your beliefs is to imagine a situation you want to manifest – no matter how far-fetched. Then imagine the persona – a different version of you – who has already achieved this. What must they have believed to be true in order to create that version of reality, and how does it differ from you current beliefs?

Are there other people who have achieved this goal, who likely have this same elevated belief system? If so, drop the limiting belief – it’s not yours. And if you find it hard to drop, know there is still a part of you that believes: “holding this old belief is keeping me safe”. Find out why.

Taking it Further

This is just the simplified formula – to really understand how to put it into practice I recommend listening to more YouTube videos (look up “Bashar – the formula”). He will explain additional ideas that make this concept easier to digest, and more techniques on letting go of negative beliefs that don’t serve. Here’s another good one one shifting your reality.

When you’re able to use this formula to raise your vibration and align to the version of reality you wish to experience, that’s when magic happens.

About Me

I’m Lindsay B.

I’m a wellness enthusiast who loves curating information on spirituality, holistic wellbeing, travel and living aligned & authentically. Join me in a lifestyle transformation to support your wellbeing!

Lindsay B.

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